Working With TAP Persia

A fantastic workaway opportunity to explore Iran with one of the country’s foremost and innovative travelling startups. We are looking for energetic, social and active Iran lovers to help us with many different aspects of our site. Passionate individuals with experience in digital marketing, tourism, journalism, blogging or web development are preferred. Applicants will be provided with appropriate room & board throughout their stay with us. We care very much about selecting applicants that are a good match with our team, so in order to assess your personality and overall character, we do request that all applicants go through at least one Skype video interview.

How TAP Persia Started

We are a group of young travellers, explorers, tour guides and overall Iran enthusiasts with diverse backgrounds who came together to expand and popularize Iran’s culture, society and history.  Starting about one year ago, many of us realized that web services offered to travellers who wish to visit Iran are extremely limited and oftentimes not up-to-date. Thus, TAP Persia was born to address this vastly important issue. Since then, our team has continued to grow each month, with a passionate global network of team members and correspondents (check out our team) who contribute daily.


What We Do

We are a full-service tourism service startup in Iran catering to visitors of all backgrounds and budgets, from hitchhikers all the way to luxury 5-star travellers. We offer unique and custom eco, cultural and historical tours; cultural workshops; currency exchanges and tourist cards (temporary debit cards); visa processing and extensions; any form of transportation booking; car rentals; any form of accommodation booking; and travel & health insurance. TAP Persia is designed to be entirely customer-centric, making it easy to navigate our site to find the right match for solo or group trips.

Free Personalized Itinerary

A tailor-made day by day plan based on your interests and budget

Iran Travel Insurance

Over €10K in medical, transport & legal coverage

Where You Will Stay

TAP Persia is headquartered in the historic and spirited city of Isfahan. As the capital of the last influential Iranian royal dynasty (Safavid Dynasty, 1501–1736), Isfahan is a marvel of architectural and cultural wonder. As the second largest city in the country, Isfahan is the industrial, political, cultural, and most importantly, artistic capital of Iran. Being one of the main hubs in the ancient and famous silk road has put Isfahan on the map as a trade and travel capital throughout time. Today, thanks to its central geographical location within Iran, it has recaptured its regional dominance as a main hub for all travellers who wish to explore Iran’s diverse landscapes. No matter what activity you have in mind, you are never more than a click away from timeless entertainment.

TAP Persia Workaway Opportunity

Here at TAP Persia, our vibrant startup culture is everything. Above all, we want to select individuals who we know are a great match with the rest of our group. Therefore, this job is essentially for anyone who is energetic, social, and active.

  • Experience Required

We are looking for help with several different areas of our operations. If you have experience in one or more of the areas mentioned below, please attach a brief resume of your experience along with your completed application (explained below). The list of areas in which we need assistance is as follows:

Social Media Content Production

Photography, videography, travel/food social influencer, content production


Blogging, vlogging, article/column writing

Digital Marketing

WordPress, SEO/copywriting, Google Ads, review generation, sales generation

Computer Programming

Web-based coding (PHP, Java, HTML/CSS), iOS/Android Developers

Tourism Development

Tour guides, tour leaders, tour organizers

  • Benefits & Perks

All of our workaway guests will be provided with free room and half-board (breakfast and lunch) in our headquarter city of Isfahan throughout their one to three month stay in Iran. Throughout this time, workawayers are free to visit and explore other cities and destinations as they wish. However, the room & board provided is only applicable during your stay in Isfahan and is not included while you are travelling in other cities.

Workawayers can work remotely from anywhere to complete the minimum 20-30 hours of work given to them each week. As long as the work is completed, we do not require set office hours. You are free to work whenever and wherever you please.

Workawayers will be provided with our employee discount so they can use each and every service on our site (visas, tourist cards, workshops, tours, transport, reservations, etc.) at wholesale prices. Take advantage of our extensive network of guides, travellers and partners to explore Iran like a real local. Travel with piece of mind knowing you are only a phone call away from our team, no matter what part of Iran you visit.

  • Working Hours & Conditions

As part of your TAP Persia workaway, you are required to submit 20 to 30 hours of work per week (depending on the type of work) throughout your stay. Workaway guests are required to stay in Iran for a minimum of one month and can extend their stay for up to three months. The workaway opportunity is similar to an unpaid part-time internship and does not include a salary or allowance. We do, however, offer free room and board along with employee discounts on all TAP Persia services including our tours, workshops, transportations bookings and much much more.

All expenses other than room & board in the city of Isfahan including but not limited to tours, transportation, insurance, outside meals and similar transactions are not covered by TAP Persia.

  • Education/Resume-Building Opportunities

Throughout your stay with TAP Persia, you will be given ample opportunity to expand your skills by working with an innovative, energetic, and above all, experienced team. No matter which area you are chosen for, you will leave Iran with new insights and outlooks regarding your field.

At the end of your workaway stay, your work will be displayed proudly on our website and you will be given credit as a contributor on the site. Along with helping build your online presence, TAP Persia will also write detailed letters of recommendations for each workawayer, highlighting his/her skills, characters and accomplishments throughout their stay with us.

How to Apply

In order to begin your application process, please complete the workaway application on our website. Be sure to submit a detailed resume along with any personal information which you think may be helpful for us.

Once your application has been accepted, we will contact you to set your live interview. All applicants will be required to complete at least one Skype video interview in order to assess your personality and character.

If you are deemed to be a good match for our team, you will notified within a few days of your acceptance. After that, it is up to you to determine when you plan to visit Iran, and how long you plan to stay. Please notify us about your travel plans at least one week before your arrival.

Final Note

If you are looking for a fun, productive and educational opportunity to explore Iran and build your resume at the same time, the TAP Persia workaway opportunity is for you. Whether you’re a young student looking for a new worldview or you’re an experienced freelancer wanting to give your life some adventure, here at TAP Persia we’ll make sure you are taken care of in every respect. Expand your mind, explore historic lands, and build your resume all at the same time. Let us make you feel at home in one of the most hospitable countries in the world.

2.4/5 - (49 votes)

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