With no doubt, the place you give yourself a break and treat yourself is an important part of your travel. You get to see one of the most important parts of a country’s culture: the art of culinary. You can taste some of the best dishes of your life in Iran. Isfahan is one of the most splendid cities in Iran. There is so much to see in Half of The World city. But after a long day spending on visiting top attractions, you need to go to a nice restaurant to try local food and make yourself ready for the rest of your adventure in Isfahan. Here are some of the best restaurants in Isfahan you shouldn’t miss.

Shahrzad Restaurant: One of the Oldest Restaurants in Isfahan

With mirror decorations and stained glass windows, enjoy the traditional food and the traditional atmosphere of Shahrzad restaurant, you will experience an unforgettable feeling. Try Kebab with rice and order Mast o Mousir and Khoresh Mast with it. The experienced staff are very polite and friendly. With the atmosphere of the restaurant, its traditional decoration, well-trained staff, and the amazing food you will have one of the best experiences of your life. You have to notice that the prices are pretty high in this luxurious restaurant.

Shahrzad Restaurant

Hermes – A Taste of the Modernized Life

After visiting Jolfa Square get yourself the modernly decorated restaurant of Hermes. With the well-trained waiters serving Italian food with the best quality, it is one of the restaurants you have to try in Isfahan. You will enjoy the decoration and food. There is a diverse menu you can choose from. You won’t regret trying this place.

Hermes Cafe-Restaurant

Namakdan Mansion

One of the places you have to pay a visit to while you are enjoying the unending beauties of Isfahan is Namakdan Mansion in Posht Matbakh Alley that gets to Naghsh-e Jahan Square. A magnificent traditional house which is perfect for relaxing and having a portion of delicious food. You can order from the cafe menu or restaurant which are both heavenly.

Namakdan Mansion | Isfahan Best Restaurants

Looking for a Vegetarian Restaurant: Zima Healthy Food

Located in Bozorgmehr street of Isfahan you can find the vegan-friendly restaurant of Zima which is especially used as a vegetarian restaurant. However, it is worth mentioning that most of the restaurants mentioned in this article are vegan-friendly and you can ask the waiter of the restaurant to help you choosing a vegan-friendly food.

Zima Vegetarian Food


Fresh Station in the Heart of the City

In the biggest shopping center of Isfahan, City Center of Sepahan Shahr, get yourself to the second floor of the complex to the Fresh Station to refresh yourself after a long day visiting beauties of Isfahan. With a variety of foods, drinks, appetizers, and desserts, Fresh Station is nice to try every time of the day. For a coffee break in the afternoon, a great lunch or a light dinner in the relaxing and fresh atmosphere of the balcony of this modern cafe-restaurant. You will enjoy the delicious food of this restaurant, no matter what is your taste in food. You will have one of the best dishes of your time while you’re in Isfahan.

Fresh Station

Arakhan Restaurant

Located near Si-o-se-pol Bridge, Arakhan traditional restaurant is located. This restaurant is designed with mirrors and paintings on its wall. With no doubt, you will enjoy the great food in its well-designed atmosphere.

Ara Khan | Best Isfahan Restaurants


After visiting Si-o-se-pol Bridge and a long walk next to Zayandeh-rud River, the place to go is Pasto. It is located at the end of Madi Niasarm. From a distance, you can see its perfect design from outside. The first thing you get to see when you step in this cafe-restaurant is the perfect welcoming of the waiters. They welcome you with a big smile on their face, inviting you to sit everywhere you like. Speaking about this restaurant is hard because it is so perfect that cannot be described by words and it is fully explained in this article. Go to the Pasto and enjoy the amazing atmosphere and the splendid taste of the food served for you.

Pasto Cafe Restaurant

Azam Beryani and Shad Beryani – Two Best and Oldest Beryani’s of Isfahan

Most of the people say the Best Beryani, local food of Isfahan, is Azam Beryani and some others know Shad as the best. Both of them serve the best local food of Isfahan. Azam Beryani offers  Beryani and the special appetizer going with it Ab-Goosht in three branches all over the city. Chahar Bagh Bala, Kamal Esmaeel and Masjed Seyed street. Shad Beryani is located in Darvazeh Dowlat. You can ask anyone in the street and they will show you where is this famous Beryani. The long line in front of it indicates its popularity and its perfect food.

Keryas Luxurious Restaurant

On top of the Arg-e Jahan Nama in Darvaze Doulat, the luxurious restaurant of Keryas. The moment you get there the well-trained staff will welcome you with a big smile on their face. The food is simply superb, the service is more than good, and the food tastes amazing. You will leave this luxurious restaurant with a smile showing your satisfaction. However, you should know that the prices are higher compared to other restaurants but it absolutely worths it.

Keyas Restaurant

Bam-e Shahr – A Taste of Nighlife

At the end of Hezar Jerib street, next to an Automobil Gallery you will see Bam-e Shahr restaurant. A wide area both offering cafe menu and restaurant menu. You can whether sit in the yard and enjoy the view of the city at night or choose one of the rooms to have your privacy. The prices are pretty high but when you taste the food they won’t seem that expensive. Enjoy the diverse menu of the cafe, drinks, Iranian food, and fast foods. The best time for trying this restaurant is in the night. You can see the lights of Isfahan while you are enjoying the great taste of your meal.

Bam-e Shahr Restaurant


Tachar Turkish kebab: The Best Turkish Kebab in Isfahan

Although there are no places to sit and enjoy the extraordinary food in the atmosphere it is made in, you can still close your eyes and feel the diversity of meat’s taste under your teeth. This place is located in Sheikh Sadough street and Khajoo street. You can find it easily since there is always a big crowd waiting for their kebab sandwich. You can order red meat, turkey’s meat, or chicken and enjoy the amazing taste of Tachar Turkish Kebab.

Tachar Turkish Kebab

Toranj Food Complex – Hovans Historic House

A historical house which now invites you for a coffee in its cozy cafe, a tea break in its traditional yard, and a delicious meal in its restaurant. You can spend a lot of time in this complex and enjoy every corner of it while waiting for your food to be served, you can also take photos with traditional dresses of the Qajar era. This historical house is located in Khaghani street.

Toranj Food Complex | Isfahan Best Restaurants


With two different restaurants, Italian and Iranian, Bros is one of the favorite restaurants of Isfahanian people. You can choose whether you enjoy eating kebab and other traditional Iranian foods in Mosalla street, or the Italian food of Mardavij. Both of these choices are the best. All you have to do is to choose what kind of food you’d rather and everything else is set for you. Both branches offer the greatest foods you can ever taste in your whole life. With no doubt, Bros is one of the best restaurants in Isfahan.

Bros Restaurant

Naghsh-e Jahan Restaurant

While visiting Naqsh-e Jahan Square, the best place to have a meal in is the traditional restaurant of Naqhsh-e Jahan. Decorated with beds and traditional Iranian style, this restaurant is probably your best choice to feel the traditional atmosphere. You can stretch your legs on its beds and enjoy the heavenly taste of its foods.

Naqsh-e Jahan Restaurant | Best Isfahan Restaurants

Roma, If looking for the Best Pizza in Isfahan

Wanna try the best pizza place in Isfahan? Ask for Apadana Dovom street and you will find Roma. There are both American and Italian pizzas that their only difference is in its thickness. You can also see the variety of burgers and sandwiches but we recommend the pizza. The moment you bite the pizza for the first time, you can see the difference with any other pizza you ever had in your whole life. The restaurant is not so big, and it only contains five or six tables so go there early to find a place to sit easily, unless you will have to wait a little bit to sit and enjoy the best pizza place in Isfahan.

Roma Fast Food









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