Travelling to a muslim country like Iran can bring you lots of new experiences and distinctive cultures starts from multiple attractions to their lifestyle and even cuisine, but it may also have few slight religious bounds as well. First of all, it should be mentioned that not all the Islamic countries have same rules and conditions(Iran travel restrictions), they can be totally different: people, cultures, languages, opinions, histories, races or roots. As a result, every Islamic nation has a different Islamic dress code. Apart from countries, there are different ideas about the hijab. Some muslims may believe in covering fully includes their face, while some don’t wear a hijab. As people have various mindset, they may have distinct concept of Islam and every idea is respectful.
What will you expect about dress code in Iran?
Iran is one of the regions, as a female tourist, you may need to change a little of your dressing style. You may have seen Muslim women wear burkinis or long black abayas. This creates a mentality that people have to put on all these clothes to enter Iran, but it’s a false belief. Women in Iran dress totally differently and no one covers her face. In fact, if someone wears niqab (cloth on the face), it’ll be so weird and it catches people’s attention. So your clothing style in Iran doesn’t vary that much from how you usually dress up in your own country, but you may not be able to wear your dresses which make more skin visible.
Dressing Alternation in Iran
About a century ago, Iranian people were not allowed to wear their traditional clothes anymore. Gradually, European fashion became common and at the same time, religious Iranians tried to maintain their hijab. People started to get familiar with different types of clothing and wear them based on their taste and culture.
If you are eager to learn about traditional clothing in Iran , click on the article.
Women Dress Code

Nowadays, this has become the rule that all Iranian women and also foreign women who travel to Iran should wear scarves around their heads while going out. Also their shirts or dresses should be longer up to their knees. A woman’s face, hands or feet can be visible but other parts of body’s skin including arms and legs should be covered. You can still wear dresses with sleeves a little upper than your wrist or pants a little upper than ankles. There’s no ban about the clothes colours or fashion type. Don’t worry, it’s not that much difficult to find such clothes with these features in your own country as sometimes fashion designers introduce them as a trend. The most comfortable and simple option is wearing a light tunic with ¾ or long sleeves, a pair of leggings and a loose head scarf around your head. (you don’t need to have a tight scarf).
Current Clothing Style
When you walk on Iran’s streets, you face people with different clothes styles based on their opinions. Some women may cover all their hair by scarves or black chadors, some may have part of their hair visible in front or back. You can see that wearing jeans is very common. It’s not like you observe only black and white fabrics worn by people but in contrast, you’ll see people with colourful scarves or dresses, which as a woman may give you the new idea for following a fashion trend. I remember our European guest who said i never thought wearing long dresses can be so elegant and classy as how Iranians tailors have designed them.
Dress Code for Men
We can say the only limit for guys is that they can’t wear shorts in public. In fact, all of the male tourists we had claim there was no difference about their clothing styles in comparison to their own countries.
Children’s Dress Code

It might be question of many tourists who come to Iran, if there’s any ban for children’s clothes? The answer is simply no. Girls up to age of 12 can wear any clothes without any scarves. Also no limits for boys of the same age, in addition, they can wear shorts.
Swimming Suits
Men and women have segregated swimming spaces in Iran, whether swimming pools or beaches. Women are free to choose any swimming suits and no rule is applied for guys as well, as long as they’re in the designated area.
Clothes Shopping
It’s very easy to find different shopping malls almost in all cities of Iran. Perhaps in larger cities, you have access to a wider range of options with different sizes. One of Iranian Women’s typical clothes are manteaus. They’re designed in different chic styles, short or long forms. Manteaus are very comfortable to wear. You can easily put on a T-shirt with your favorite trousers (skinny jeans or anything), the manteau on top and a scarf around your head. Go through these various boutiques in Iran, get familiar with different tastes of clothing and buy yourself something pretty, it’s even cheaper.
What Should I Wear as a Woman in Iran
Here is some information about what women should wear in Iran:
The Islamic terminology for modest clothing is the hijab. These days, it primarily refers to a head covering. In public spaces, all Iranian women and visitors must cover their hair or wear a hijab. Many Iranian women opt to simply wear headscarves on the top of their heads, exposing some of their hair in the front and back. The most popular method is to wear a head scarf, which is simple to buy in local stores. However, caps can also be used, especially in the winter.
Is the Hijab Required for Visitors in Iran?
Most international travelers must abide by Iran’s general laws, just like they would in any other nation. Travelers to Iran must observe the country’s attire regulations as it is an Islamic nation. All women must abide by the laws mandating them to wear the hijab, regardless of their country; however, the laws are less stringent for travelers, and their lack of experience with the hijab is taken into consideration. Be aware that in Iranian airports, women must immediately don the hijab after stepping off the plane.
Indoor Clothing in Iran
In Iran, the dress code is solely expected to be observed in public settings for both men and women. Therefore, either inside a person’s home or in a hotel room, both tourists and residents are allowed to wear anything they choose. However, if you’re welcomed to a local’s home, you should respect their religious views and refrain from dressing provocatively. In places that are exclusively for women, such as gyms and beauty parlors, you may also remove your hijab. Remember that restaurants, hotel lobbies, and the interior of automobiles are all regarded as public spaces.
Can you wear your traditional clothes in Iran?
If you’re from a country where most people wear local clothes (apart from Western styles), you’re free to wear such costumes as long as it’s adjustable to the conditions mentioned in Women Dress Code section of this article. Although there’s no problem if these conditions matches your clothes items but you may be in the center of people’s attention and feel a little uncomfortable.

Although you need to follow some rules and be aware of taboos for travelling to different countries, you get familiar with another culture, like living in another world and see life from a completely different view. Travelling can always widen your horizons and teach you new tips with the philosophy behind them. You may enjoy applying such ideas in your own life as a promotion.
I love anything and everything that is written well… yeah you got some good content going on there for sure.